HAPPY 4th Ovs July
to all mi furiends across da big swimmin pool !
Mee n sista Non Floofy Butt has been away butts mee will tell yoo all abouts dat anuvver day cos today wee has to pawty on down wivs The Fiesty Three ova in Honorooroo. Mee is so excitamagated.
cos mee has neva been to Honorooroo befor now Sista Non Floofy Butt who can do evryfing has told mee all abouts it so mee fort mee shoulds try mi paw at dis surfin lark her is so goods at. Hmm, Well, Urrr, Emmmm mee is not so goods at it. Her says it cos her is older n has hads lots ovs praktise so mee has try more n more butts as us Cresties is nots keen on da wet stuff dis in da only photy ov mee surfin yoo is likely to see.
Is yoo all reddy fur it ?…………………………………………… Is yoo sure ?…………………………………………………………………………………………. Okays den here yoo go ……………………………
Mee dids WIPEOUT most mahoosively !!!! Mee did looks likes a drownded rat wen mee finally surfaced it was most heinous dudes, totally BOGUS ! ee mee is gettin da lingo rite at least………BOL.
Anyway mee is lookin furward to seein yoo all at da pawty n big luau bonyfire laters
Aloha mi furiends
Hold on Uji - I am on my way to rescue you. I am quite a good swimmer and will get you safely to shore!
Your surfer dude pal, Pip
ALOHA Ujio... Sorry you wiped out... butt Heck I have done it about 87 times myself. No disgrace... those waves can be tricky. I am glad that you made it to HonoRooRoo!! You will have a Blast... Perhaps you could hook up with Cooper... I think the two of you could be grrrrreat furends. Aloha
that sure was a surfing experience!
Kisses and hugs
so glad you wewe dwagged out of that nasty wave by Pip and that you got nice and wawm by the bond fiwe.
You may not know how to suwf so well, but youw dancing skills awe totally wad
smoochie kisses
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